
Why A Girls' School

"I believe attending an all girls’ school made me more disciplined both academically and personally. The absence of distraction enabled me to focus hard on my studies, and the fact that I was so comfortable in that setting enabled me to more easily develop my true character. Many people in college have asked me how I survived attending an all girls’ high school, and I tell them that it was the best decision I ever made." 

Madeline Hanson, SAA Class of 2015, Senior, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

At St. Agnes Academy we are dedicated to championing the educational and developmental needs of girls. From PK2-12th grade our teachers focus on how girls learn best, helping our young women reach their full potential. At St. Agnes we know girls learn best when they collaborate and focus on teamwork. We know that in an all-girl environment students are more likely to take healthy academic risks, learn through their mistakes, and build resilience. We know girls are more engaged in learning the “ how ” if they also learn the “ why.”

Being in an all-girls school has distinct advantages. St. Agnes girls are free to be whoever they want to be...and to be themselves. By trying new and difficult things, they learn how to navigate disappointment and develop the resilience that results in long-term success. They know that every girl can lead and achieve in her own way, boosted by newfound friends who become lifelong sisters.

"Girls’ schools are places where girls take center stage. Girls occupy every seat in student government, every spot on the math team, and every position in the robotics club. Whether a girl wants to be an astronaut, ambassador, author, or attorney, we really feel that girls need to know – not just think, but really know, deep down – that there’s nothing that can stand in their way. That's the incredibly important message girls’ schools send to girls each and every day. We believe that message, embedded in the nature of girls’ schools, provides powerful, relevant advantages and creates the best environments for girls to learn, grow, and develop. At their heart, girls’ schools are places of leadership: places where community and collaboration, agency and self-efficacy flourish. But most of all, girls’ schools are places of incredible innovation."  –National Coalition of Girls' Schools

Visit the Coalition of Girls' Schools site to learn more about the All Girl Advantage!


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St. Agnes Stud..

We are excited to announce that 27 members of the SAA Classes of 2022 and 2023 have been named AP Scholars based upon their performance on the Advanced Placement exams administered in May of 2022.
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Seniors Sign N..

Anna Heck will continue her outstanding golf career next fall at the University of Notre Dame, and Caroline Weems will fly high on the pole vault at the University of Tennessee.
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